By Ash Qin, Friday, January 13, 2012 Other

Greetings all,

Recently we had some user concerns regarding the safety in using the Exodus Viewer. To address this issue, we have submitted the viewer software for testing with various 3rd parties for independent review as well as getting our website evaluated for safety. So far, every evaluation we have received has rewarded us with a "100% clean" (or equivalent) status. These ratings can be viewed off the right side of our downloads page, with direct links to the websites in question, verifying the rating information.

By Ayamo Nozaki, Wednesday, January 04, 2012 Beta, Release

Hey everyone!

We’ve fixed the graphics bugs in our previous release, added a few more features and a exposed a bunch settings in our visuals window.

See below for the change log.

By Clix Diesel, Monday, January 02, 2012 Beta, Release

Hey guys and gals!

Its been a little while but we are sure you will find that the wait was worth it. We have cool new visual settings and options from Ayamo and Geenz as well as a whole bunch of new features outline in our last blog post.