Exodus Viewer
Exodus Viewer is a new flavour of the Second Life Viewer 3 series, packed with useful features to enhance the experience of competitive play in Second Life. Roleplayers, fighters and virtual sport stars will benefit from a viewer designed for maximum performance! Exodus Viewer also packs some cool visual effects that are perfect for photographers and machinima film makers.

Katharine Berry
Katharine is a viewer developer who specializes in Mac development and is responsible for practical solutions to problems. She has a legacy of contributing numerous features to Second Life viewers such as Flickr upload, music stream title announcers and more, as well as bringing Second Life's first web enabled AJAX viewer; known as AjaxLife. When Katharine is not tasked with the life of a Sparkly Code Princess, she is a computer science student at MIT.
Homepage: http://kathar.in/
Profile: https://my.secondlife.com/katharine.berry
Email: katharine AT exodusviewer DOT com

Ash Qin
Ash is our Linux developer, he also provides various viewer related documentation and server related stuff! Ash also owns and runs the popular Sci-Fi sim Deshima. He is a great motivator and constantly pushes for perfection with his superb administration.
Homepage: http://ash.weststar.name/
Profile: https://my.secondlife.com/ash.qin
Email: ash AT exodusviewer DOT com

RaithSphere Enyo
Homepage: http://raithsphe.re/
Profile: https://my.secondlife.com/raithsphere.enyo
Email: raithsphere AT exodusviewer DOT com

Geenz Spad
Geenz is our graphics guy. He is also responsible for the slick shiny Rubber Infusions range of avatar modifications. Geenz works hard to bring brilliant rendering features and improvements to Exodus, adding an additional layer of visual "wow" for our users, making Exodus ideal for photographers looking for an extra degree of control in their viewer.
Homepage: http://www.geenzo.com/
Profile: https://my.secondlife.com/geenz.spad
Email: geenz AT exodusviewer DOT com
Some of the featured functionality in Exodus Viewer was written by others, if you would like more information, visit our features page!